Published on June 17, 2024
Project Status
Wanda Educa
  • Communities
Start Date


Wanda Educa is part of the environmental awareness and education program that Marea Verde has been implementing since 2023. The objective of the program is to raise awareness among the educational community regarding the proper management of solid waste through research, information and awareness actions to promote change in consumption patterns and create the habit of recycling.

In 2023, this program was implemented in 10 schools, involving teachers, administrative staff, parents, community leaders, and students through its 6 transversal axes: The “Healthy Watersheds, Strong Communities” diploma certification, Study Groups, Volunteering, School Visits, Recycling, and Green School. As part of the program, we conducted informational workshops and a diploma course for teachers, with the participation of 43 school educators. In addition, volunteer activities were organized with the participation of 218 people, and a children’s soccer league was established in collaboration with Nike and Recicladora Nacional, promoting healthy recycling habits. This league attracted more than 13,000 participants between adults and students, resulting in the collection of more than 34 tons of recyclable materials.

In 2024, the Wanda Educa program will join Plastic Free Campus, a global initiative of the Swiss conservation organization Gallyfrey, which is implemented in 35 countries around the world. This digital tool supports schools, teachers, parents and communities to change their single-use plastic use habits.